6 Reasons to Engage a Tax Agent

1. Have your tax lodged correctly the first time Having a tax agent lodge your tax return can help save headaches and money in the long run. Your accountants’ fees…

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Self-employment and independent contracting. The new norm.

Self-employment and independent contracting. The new norm. Being self-employed today requires more than it did last generation. It now involves extending oneself in the modern workplace and shaking up the…

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Australian small businesses can access Government Grants

Australian small businesses can access Government Grants Did you know that the Australian and Queensland governments are giving generous grants to small businesses to help them grow? Here is an…

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Four Strategies For Managing Business Inventory

In 2013, Walmart lost $3 billion due to poor inventory management and suffered frequent out of stock instances. Poor inventory management affects large businesses (like Walmart) and small ones alike. It is important to recognise the impact this could have on your bottom line and future growth.

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